Monday, August 25, 2008

I got my tan...

... at least on my back and face...

Today seemed like a nice, restful day. That's really what I planned. Stepho had her first day back at school. My mom had her first day at school with students, and my dad has been back at school for 15 days already. It was going to be a nice day alone watching TV. I wanted to watch The Office on DVD.

Well, I began my day by updating my blog here. I loaded the dishwasher. I figured I'd clean the bathroom while I was at it because I happened to walk in and the mirrors were atrocious. Scrubbed the bathtub and toilet real quick, cleaned the mirrors, and voila. The dogs were hot, so I refilled their pool with some cool water and hosed down the patio. All of this before 10a.m. I started up my hard drive and began to spin The Office on DVD. I'm laying on my bed, in a darkened, room, my laptop on my bed and cued to the show.

Outside I hear a splitting noise and a crash. I look outside and see the chinaberry tree all over. Some branches were on the fence, but the big mother of all branches had tumbled down to the street. Of course I go outside to investigate.

Long story short- it is 105 out, very humid, which is unusual for Cali, and my shirt and shorts are drenched in sweat. I take my shirt off and start cutting and snapping the branches. In about 3-4 hours I have a nice tan going on my back and face; the much coveted summer tan. My chest is still pretty white, however.

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