Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Work has been fun the past couple days...

I haven't been in the classroom tutoring this week. I've been out doing administrative stuff and showing the coordinator of the program how everything is done. I was originally not looking forward to it, but it is a nice easy break from the classroom. The training someone to do stuff I already know how to do is monotonous and boring.

On Monday the coordinator treated me to lunch at Del Taco for helping her.

On Monday time cards were also due and I got a little "extra" time for helping the coordinator on Monday. Try 9 instead of 6 hours. Yay!

On Tuesday a freshman got an "A" on his math test. Apparently math is his worst subject and he failed it several times in middle school. Now let me go into a little background. I know who the kid was and his mom since I'd seen them at the gym many times. She is one of those woman who comes off looking really arrogant with her nose stuck up a mile in the air and looks like she could take on any man or woman who comes near her. She would give me mean stares at the gym before I started tutoring her son, then she would say hello when I saw her at the gym. Anyways, the reason I bring up the fact she looks so unfriendly is that yesterday she brought in cookies for all of us tutors. Two of us sat down basically with a group of 4 kids, including her son, who is in the same math class and helped them go over everything. That was the first time anything like that has happened.

On Saturday I am hopeful that my coworker Gaby and I can have lunch. I love our little lunch dates as we call them. We try to get together at least once a month to have lunch. We haven't had lunch together since July because she works close to 60 hours a week, goes to school full time, and so basically has no life. I love sitting, talking, catching up, all the random stuff, so I'm looking forward to it.

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