Saturday, October 20, 2007

Talked to grandma

I miss grandma being down the street from me. At times it was a burden to stop in and see her or I wouldn't want to because we did it everyday. I miss that now. I haven't seen her in 1 1/2 years or so since someone took her away.

I decided I had a few minutes while driving down the road today, so I gave her a call. I hadn't talked to her in almost 2 months. Everytime mom calls I am doing something else and tell her I'll call later, but never do. So I called and we chatted. Told her about school, work, my internship, and how I'm so busy. It was so nice to talk to her. I did most of the talking, but she seemed receptive and asked questions about everything. I told her I got an internship, which is where I get college credit and real world experience doing this stuff. Her next question was where I was working and what I'm doing there. It was so nice to have her question me and seem genuinely interested. She seemed really happy to hear that I was doing so well. She of course asked the same question over and over what grade I'm in and what classes I'm taking. She can ask that question 10 times in a phone call. It is all good though. I think she asks because yes, she is forgetful, but that she is amazed I'm in college.

She was asking her usual also- how's the weather, Steph, mom, dad, her house, the cat, the bird, etc. etc.

Just thought I'd blog cuz this made my day.

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