Thursday, April 24, 2008

When I think Taylor Swift I'm going to think of

I was watching a rerun of the CMA Awards tonight.

Taylor Swift was performing and here's what my dad said about her:

"Lady, your boots are too big for you."
"She looks like she could smoke a cigarette and drink a beer at the same time."
All of this came when she looked rather angry in her performance of the song "Picture to Burn."

On Ashton Shepard "She has a voice like someone is beating a fish with a hammer"


Anonymous said...

Well your dad seems like an asshole..

Crystal* said...

I am sooooooooooo not telling my chickens that your dad said that.
They love her. Caitlin has her as a MySpace friend. And I gotta admit, her singing is not half bad.
We bought her CD. *grins*
Of course, I did that in self-defense. The chickens were up in arms.

Anonymous said...

she is FUGLY