Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Apparently I'm anorexic

I saw a cousin I hadn't seen in about a year last week when we out. She came up to me when she saw me and hugged me, told me how skinny I was; then burst out crying. She was saying how sorry she felt for me that I was anorexic. I said I'm not. I've just been working out.

At a recent family gathering 1 aunt and another relative have told me how they have noticed how much weight I've lost.

The allergy shot nurse keeps asking me how much weight I've lost, how I am probably stressed, not eating, and losing weight.

A family friend Kim, whose husband used to own the hardware store has told me several times recently how I've lost so much weight.

My boss at the high school keeps wondering how I'm losing all of this weight.

Most people thought maybe I wasn't buying as baggy clothes, which is true. I'm a large in mens at max. If I can, I am wearing medium. I have discovered Levi 514s (skinny, straight leg) look nice on me. My waist size has gone from a 34 to a 30. IT IS BECAUSE OF EXERCISE. LET ME GET THAT CLEAR. PLEASE. I do not starve myself. I am a 30x32 in jeans and am proud to say it- working out at the gym has paid off. All of this has given me excuses to go out and buy new clothes I don't need, but want.

The truth is I've been exercising. I'm still 150lbs and 6'2.'' I haven't lost weight. I may be growing. My weight has been more or less redistributed. My arms are a lot bigger than they were, which you can notice. My chest is becoming more solid and my shoulders are becoming more muscular. I wasn't fat to begin with, in fact I was often told I was not big enough. HAHA.

I still eat burgers, fries, steaks, potatoes, whatever is thrown at me. Not a problem- it is delicious by the way. I do try to eat healthier, but am I going to forego the fries at a restaurant? No. I have cut my soda consumption however because the dentist said I should. I still have coke when I go out. Vitamin Water and Crystal Light are my new favorites.

But I just want to set the record straight, I am not anorexic or emaciated.

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