Monday, May 21, 2007


Last Tuesday night I watched my dad mow. He ran over a snake and cut it in half. How do I know it was a snake? It was black and had the mouth of a snake and it kept opening it up as someone came near it. A lizard doesn't do that. My dad said it was a lizard.

I saw more of those lizards on Wednesday as I was chaining the dogs up since the contractors were at the house. There were 2 little black ones side by side, sticking their collective snake tongues out, slithering back and forth. I got the shovel, cut them in half... let them slither, then disposed of them. This was just outside of our back door... I walk on the grass here 4-5 times a day at least... be assured I'm going to be on the lookout.

On Friday I go out to my car parked in front of the garage. The dogs are hovered around something barking. I look, see a 6 foot beige and black snake. That was a scare for sure! I grab the dogs and drag them to the tree to chain them up. By the time I get back I see the snake slithered into the garage (thankfully there is no entrance to the house through the garage). I wasn't going to go in after it, so I left for work.

On Saturday, my dad heard the dogs barking in the front yard, goes out and sees a 6 foot yellow and black snake and the dogs going after it. My sisters dog struck the snake a couple times. My dad pulled them away and then went after the snake, but the snake got away. We know where this snake's hole is... thankfully. This snake just had a good meal according to my dad.

About an hour later, my mom was leaving to go shopping and had just opened the gate. She looked over to see a 6 foot yellow and black snake in the palm tree next to the gate. This was at the other side of the yard. He stayed coiled in the tree for about 30 minutes according to my dad. My mom, the snake expert in the family said both were garden snakes.

Today I was weed eating and saw two 6-12 inch snakes while out on the hills outside of the gate. I did chop both of them... partly on accident... partly for my own sanity.We may see a snake or 2 a year... this year I guess its going to be worse, because its so dry and they're looking for water.

1 comment:

Crystal* said...

Ew. Ew. And ewwww some more. *shuddering*
I hate snakes. Loathe them. And being that close to that many would surely drive me over the edge. Um...even farther than I am now.
I like the blog. I'll link to it. Drop me a line and tell me what you want the heading to be.
Love ya,